she's a fighter!
McKenna Waldron is a proud member of the Society of American Fight Directors. She has been training since 2017, when she started taking class with Certified Teacher Jeff A.R Jones at the Stage Combat Academy of North Carolina.
In 2019 she completed the SAFD's National Stage Combat Workshop, participating in the Actor Combatant track. During the three week intensive, she logged 30 hours in Rapier and Dagger (taught by Fight Master Brian Byrnes), Broadsword (Fight Master Dale Girard), and Unarmed (Fight Master Chuck Coyl.) She left the intensive certified in all three weapon styles.
In 2021, she reattended the workshop to complete the Advanced Actor Combatant track. Under the training of Fight Masters Geoffrey Kent and Robert Westley, she logged 30 hours in Knife, Single Sword, Sword and Shield, and Smallsword, in addition to completing their theatrical firearms course. At the 2021 workshop she was also awarded with the Best Performer award for the intensive.
Upon moving to New York she has continued her study, primarily at Neutral Chaos Stage Combat Studio. She is certified in all 8 disciplines tested by the SAFD, and currently holds Advanced Actor Combatant Status within the Society.
She is her most confident when wielding a broadsword, but has recently discovered a passion for smallsword fighting. She has an interest in both interning for the SAFD's regional workshops and assisting fight directors, fight choreographers, and stage combat teachers in their work.